In the depths of this cool dark winter we merge into a full moon, this clay meditation circle will be held in candlelight, reconnecting to the element of earth through our exploration with clay.
We will journey to inner discovery, self-reflection, and creative exploration with clay play mindfulness practices.
You may enjoy and experience a relaxing mind-body realignment whilst channelling energy into a creative exploration of clay. The process will mindfully guide you to creativity and sensually connect with the clay. You may feel a sense of relaxation, release, meditation and creative exploration.
// What will the session entail?
~ we will start by setting an intention for the session
~ moving into some gentle yoga movements to loosen up the body
~ mindfully moving into a grounding clay meditation where you will be guided through a sensory experience to relax, release and explore
~ we will complete the circle with a calming tea and space to share stories about our experiences
You may keep your creation in its raw form or leave it behind to be added to an impermanent clay sculpture that will be left to cycle back into the earth over the new moon, as an intention of returning into the earth and reflection on the cycle of impermanence.
// Why clay?
We will explore and connect to this earth element to find grounding, balance, stability, centred, strength, peace and calmness.
// About Irene (the facilitator)
Irene is a qualified yoga teacher, designer and ceramicist, using clay as a creative form of expression. She teaches multiple yoga classes around Perth incorporating the practice of meditation into her teachings.
// Timing in the cyclic patterns of the moon.
The full moon is a powerful time to reconnect and release what is no longer needed, a moment to create a clean space for new intentions, grounding and connecting to the earth through this clay meditation and reconnecting to yourself.
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