cntre space

Find Your Flow
with Cam + Jordan

October 5 (Saturday)
at 14:00

Class length
180 minutes

Find Your Flow with Cameron Watkins and Jordan Doropoulos.

Finding your flow means moving beyond the distractions of daily life and tapping into a state where everything feels effortless—where creativity, focus, and energy align. It’s that feeling of being so present in the moment that time seems to disappear, and you’re fully immersed in what you’re doing.

In this special collaboration, Cam and Jordan will guide you through a journey designed to help you experience that state of flow firsthand. Cam will lead you through a spinal flow practice, helping you break free from repetitive thoughts and connect more deeply with your body. By tuning into the natural rhythms of your spine, you'll learn how to move with more ease and fluidity, unlocking tension and creating space for deeper self-awareness.

From there, Jordan will guide you into a blend of yoga and breathwork that takes you even further—out of your head and into your heart. This practice will help you find stillness within movement, using breath to ground yourself and flow with more presence and purpose. You'll leave feeling centered, recharged, and more connected to yourself, ready to take that sense of flow with you into your everyday life


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