cntre space

Cultivating Silent Intelligence
with Stuart Watkins

December 14 (Saturday)
at 14:00

Class length
180 minutes

Embark on a three-hour journey to deepen your connection with the subtle dimensions of Self and gain direct access to an inner resource of embodied wisdom. This immersive workshop blends the practices of Yoga, Tantra, Somatic Meditation, and Awareness Training, guiding you into states of profound stillness and awakening your silent intelligence within.

Together, we will explore the Sushumna Nadi—the central channel of the subtle body—opening pathways of heightened awareness, inner peace, and access to the core of our Being. With practice, the awakening of the central channel reveals the happiness, clarity, and love we all seek. Through movement, breath, sound healing, mantra, and stillness, we will create spacious capacity within the body-mind for the emergence of silent intelligence.

What to Expect:

• Yoga, Tantra, and Somatic Practices to awaken and balance your energy, grounding awake awareness in your body.

• Meditation Practices to access deep stillness, clarity, and the luminous core of your being.

• Pranayama practices to refine and deepen your skill of yogic breathing.

• Long, Healing Savasana giving you Time to assimilate the depth of inner work and enter a state of deep rest.

• Reflective Integration for inner contemplation and sharing to embody and integrate your experience.

Open your heart, still your mind, and cultivate the silent intelligence that lies within.


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